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2013-06-05 16:44:36

  巴西海关自2013年5月6日起执行名为1.356/2013号令,针对5月6日后抵达巴西境内的货物实行新的放货政策,船公司及码头或失去对于正本MB/L放货的操控,意为 即使发货人持有全套MB/L正本提单,收货人亦可直接提货。x4f大陆桥物流联盟

  Please be informed that Normative Instruction from Federal Revenue of  Brazil No. 1.356/2013 ( "IN 1356")  that came in force on May 6th, 2013, has promoted substantial changes in the procedures related to the Customs  clearance and delivery of goods, exempting the Importer/Consignee of presenting the Original B/L  "OBL"  for releasing of cargo.x4f大陆桥物流联盟

  As a consequence of this new scenario, from now on cargoes to Brazil can be released without the presentation of OBL. This means that an Importer will be able to remove the cargo from the bonded warehouse even if the OBL is in the shipper´s hand.x4f大陆桥物流联盟


   " Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Merchant agrees that if this Bill of Lading provides for delivery of the Goods at a port in Brazil, discharge of the Goods to any port authority at such port shall constitute due delivery hereunder and all liability of the Carrier whatsoever in connection with the Goods (including without limitation for misdelivery) shall cease at that time. Carrier shall not be responsible for delivery of cargo without the presentation of the Original Bill of Lading, as Brazilian Customs Regulations"x4f大陆桥物流联盟

  同时,我司提醒各订舱代理及货主货代的相关操作人员 ,对于出口到巴西的货物务必预先做好防范措施,以避免由放货新政带来的损失。x4f大陆桥物流联盟



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