2016-01-26 10:06:20
环捷梅尔辛公司位于Yeni Mahalle, Ismet Inonu Blvd., Umat Plaza地区,它将成为环捷土耳其强大的服务后盾,为广大客户提供世界一流的、定制化物流服务体验。环捷一直致力于为客户提供现代化的海空运代理、陆运、铁路、项目物流和管理、进出口代理、仓储和配送、全球贸易咨询、供应链管理等定制化专业物流服务。
公司总裁兼首席执行官Mustapha Kawam 评论道:“ 土耳其物流市场一直保持稳定的持续增长态势,是环捷及其它物流服务商的必争之地,这里蕴藏着巨大的商业机遇。同时,当地政府也在各个领域大力刺激经济发展,物流产业受惠于此蒸蒸日上。”
“ 在环捷,我们提倡因地制宜的发展策略,植于本土,优势互补。新成立的梅尔辛公司就是基于此策略,选址于土耳其最重要的经济发展城市。我们将坚定不移的贯彻公司一直以来的服务主张,持续学习、不断成长、改善能力来为我们的客户提供最佳的服务表现。
Globe Express Services opens a new office in Mersin, Turkey to reinforce market presence
Study shows Turkey’s logistics sector projected to reach between USD 108 and 140 billion by 2017
Globe Express Services recently opened an office in Mersin, Turkey in its bid to further strengthen its presence in the country’s bustling logistics market. This latest move reflects the company’s ongoing strategy to reinforce its presence in Mersin, a port on the Mediterranean coast of southern Turkey, to capitalize on the considerable variety and scale of logistics activities in the city.
Through its newly opened office located at Yeni Mahalle, Ismet Inonu Blvd., Umat Plaza, GES will be able to maintain its leading position in terms of providing its clients with modern and value-added services. The company’s cutting-edge solutions include total logistics management, air and ocean freight forwarding, inland ground and rail services, project cargo and management, import/export services, warehousing and distribution, global trade compliance services, and logistics solutions.
Mustapha Kawam, President and CEO, GES, said: “Turkey’s logistics market is consistently showing sustained growth, generating many highly valuable opportunities for GES and other global industry players. The sector is expected to expand further, buoyed by the government’s ongoing economic diversification efforts to stimulate development in various key areas such as logistics.
“At GES, we are formulating strategic plans accordingly to support the local sector and optimize its potentials along the way. Our new office in Mersin, an important economic hub in Turkey, forms part of this strategy. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to deliver outstanding services to our clients as we continue to seek better ways to further improve our offerings,” added Kawam.
More global logistics players are continuously coming to Turkey’s shores due to the country’s economic growth potential and strategic geographic location. In its bid to become a leading logistics hub in the world and one of the top 10 global economies by 2023, the country has been opening up rail and coastal freight and international highway corridors to support the movement of a greater volume of traffic between neighboring countries. According to an industry study, the local sector is expected to be worth between USD 108 and 140 billion by 2017.
The company currently operates from 56 offices established in 20 countries since the beginning of its operations in 1974.

- [常务理事单位] 沈阳陆桥国际货运代理有限公司
- [常务理事单位] 湖南中南国际陆港有限公司
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- [常务理事单位] 湖南德裕物流有限公司
- [常务理事单位] 安德龙国际物流集团
- [常务理事单位] 重庆逆锋国际货运代理有限公司
- [常务理事单位] 陕西远韬供应链管理有限公司
- [常务理事单位] 天津海铁联捷集团有限公司
- [常务理事单位] LLC ST GROUP
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- [常务理事单位] 哈萨克斯坦Falcon
- [常务理事单位] 青岛和泰源集装箱堆场
- [常务理事单位] 俄罗斯战舰国际货运代理有限公司
- [常务理事单位] 青岛亚华集装箱堆场
- [常务理事单位] 海晟(上海)供应链管理有限公司
- [常务理事单位] 俄罗斯西格玛有限责任公司