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RTSB Group 服务详情 IX - 公路运输服务

2018-08-20 09:02:50

1 ·.    EURASIAN LAND TRANSPORT NETWORK   欧亚公路运输网络pey大陆桥物流联盟

Transports on road belong to the core services of RTSB. Almost every loading in the intermodal supply chain is shipped with a truck, at least in the precarriage. In numbers it means, RTSB dispatches over 11,500 truck units for container trucking, LTL and FTL shipments annually.pey大陆桥物流联盟


With our road transport service we can offer express deliveries as well as loading space in the segment of the spot market and we can also handle long-term projects with fixed departure and delivery time. Thank to our closemeshed logistical network of accredited partners and because of using our own vehicles and equipment, we can plan and transport your goods accurately and on time.pey大陆桥物流联盟


2 ·.     SERVICES AT A GLANCE   服务一览pey大陆桥物流联盟

Our vehicles are multi - manned by two drivers. Punctuality is paramount for us. The delivery of goods is carried out guaranteed ‘JUST IN TIME’.pey大陆桥物流联盟


On request, we offer our customers additional transport insurance for sensitive goods.pey大陆桥物流联盟


All vehicles are equipped with navigation systems, GPS and mobile phone. For the carriage of dutiable goods with apparent customs control the customs bond acknowledgement id available for trucks.pey大陆桥物流联盟


Our trucks are available for ful - charter- services for both dry cargo and refrigerated food.pey大陆桥物流联盟


3 ·.     NOTES   备注pey大陆桥物流联盟

For transportations within europe, you are exactly right with our branch RTSB Iberica based in Samora Correia in Portugal. The branch is arranging daily direct loads to and from Germany, Benelux, UK, France, Spain and Portugal. An intermediate warehousing of goods is also possible, as RTSB Iberica operates multiple storage and handling facilities.pey大陆桥物流联盟

对于欧洲范围内的货物运输,请联系我们在葡萄牙伊比利卡的分公司RTSB Iberica。我们每天都要安排往返于德国、比荷卢经济联盟、英国、法国、西班牙及葡萄牙的运输。RTSB Iberica还操作仓储和相应设施服务。pey大陆桥物流联盟

4 ·.     MAP   路线图pey大陆桥物流联盟


(来源: Marketing Dep  RTSB)pey大陆桥物流联盟



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